Dinah Rose |
Relief to unemployed teachers as parliament allocate TSC , funds to hire 20 thousands interns next month.
This comes after court of appeal suspended the ruling that prohibited the employment of trained qualified teachers as interns Pelling the hearing and determination of the cause .
Also 18 billion shillings has been allocated for the employment of 46 thousands JSS intern teachers to permanent and pensionable terms. While appearing before parliament in may, the TSC indicate that it required 30 billion shilings to convert all 46 thousands intern contracts to permanent and pensionable terms
Due to budget constraints, TSC sought to employ the teachers in two badges the teachers service commission will first absorb 26 thousands teachers before taking up 20 thousands others, for the first badge 26; thousands teachers, TSC had sought 26.6 billion shilings to convert them from intern post to permanent employment .
Consequently the allocated 18 billion shilings will be sufficient to successfully Hired the first core hot of 26 thousands interns on permanent and pensionable terms, however the remaining 20 thousands remain uncertain