Brian Mang’oli
The trade unions are deeply concerned and outraged by the government’s proposed changes to workers’ employment terms.

The plan to shift workers from permanent to contractual positions not only undermines job security and stability for employees, but also erodes the power of collective bargaining agreements that have been established to protect workers’ rights
In addition they stated that the public service cabinet secretary Moses Kuria’s declaration on workers contractual employment terms is a clear breach and various international labor treaties and conventions that Kenya has agreed to uphold
The states increase in states increase in taxes including the enhanced social health ,insurance fund housing levy and pay as you earn has led the union leaders to assert that workers have been left in a state of destitution

The agreement was signed by union officials from the Union of Kenya Civil Servants (UKCS), University Academic Staff Union (UASU), Kenya Universities Staff Union (KUSU) and Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut)Officials from the Kenya Union of Post Primary Teachers Union (KUPPET), Kenya Union Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists (KMPDU), Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (KUCO), Dock Workers Union (DWU), Kenya National Union of Nurses (KNUN) also signed the agreement it
Furthermore, the government’s tactics of intimidating union officials and disregarding the input and concerns of organized labor groups only serve to further exacerbate tensions and erode trust between workers and the authorities.
This heavy-handed approach not only stifles the voices of workers who are fighting for their rights, but also sets a dangerous precedent for future labor relations in the country. In addition, the imposition of high taxes on workers and their unions only adds insult to injury, as it places an undue burden on already struggling workers and further hampers their ability to advocate for fair wages, benefits, and working conditions.
Overall, the trade unions view these proposed changes as a direct attack on workers’ rights and a blatant disregard for the principles of fair labor practices. They are committed to fighting against these unjust policies and standing up for the rights and dignity of all workers in the face of government oppression