Benmike Wekesa |
The Kenya Power executive management team presents an important update for you to update your token meter by the end of August. Failure to do this will mean that you will not be able to access electricity from Kenya Power.

This is an exercise that Kenya Power says will be free and simple for consumers. I would like to emphasize that this exercise will be free, and therefore no customer will be required to pay to have their meter updated.
A total of 7.4 million prepaid meters are targeted for this exercise. All prepaid meters that will not have been updated by the deadline will stop accepting tokens.
To update your meter, you will receive two codes from Kenya Power. You will be required to key the codes into your meter just like you do with your regular tokens. You may receive the codes after purchasing your tokens, but in other instances, Kenya Power will send the codes directly to even those who will not have purchased the tokens.
It will be a progressive exercise, so if you haven’t received your codes, you should continue buying your tokens in the normal way. Once we get to you, upon buying your token, you will get the two codes. When you receive your two codes, enter them sequentially into your meter to update it.
This update is part of an ongoing global exercise targeting all prepaid meters that use a standard transfer specification system. This system ensures the security of the generated tokens.
The process will not affect the cost of electricity. Kenya Power is on a massive drive for the next two months to ensure that all prepaid meter users have updated their meters. Failure to update your meter by the end of August will mean that while you might be able to purchase your tokens, you will not be able to load them successfully onto your meter.