Elizabeth Kisiangani
The cost of acquiring school uniforms for pupils and students has been listed as one of the school requirements, that drive up the cost of education and the national assembly members have been pushing the ministry of education to address the issue through a policy on standardization and production of uniforms across the country.

A motion brought to the floor of the house early in the year got the national assembly’s node and was placed on the education cabinet secretary’s desk for implementation and with just weeks to the end of the academic year and a new beckoning ,little has been done to shield parents and guardians from exorbitant uniform cost.
The ministry’s response has not been well received by parliament. The motion is also to have all schools across the country,adopt a standard uniform that will be applied either at the sub county, county or country level or at different levels of education.

The price of the uniform was also expected to have been set at the same level to stamp out what the legislators term as unfair disadvantage,accorded to uniform distributors who are alleged to collude with school heads to flee parents. The ministry however says ,its near impossible to change the school uniform styles.
The formulation of a policy on uniforms for all levels of education, was also one of the recommendations of the presidential working party, on education reforms and the lawmakers say, they will not rest until the ministry moves to address the cost of school uniforms.ย