Elizabeth Kisiangani |
For the pleasure of celebrating the victory of KCPE 2023 results, Headteachers from 5 Primary Schools in Bungoma County; Lugulu Boarding Primary School, Central Baptist, Kibabii Girls Boarding Primary, Webuye S.A and Bungoma D.E.B, joined together by ushering in the new Headteacher at that school where former Headteacher retired during last year.

Led by Tobias Khisa, teachers and fellow Headteachers thanked the Ministry of Education for bringing in the Headteacher of the school after he served to retire last year.
They also promised to work together to improve the Education of the students in that schools, where they have to discipline students whenever they misbehave in order for them to sow good results.
Therefore, Lugulu Primary School has been doing well in Education as well as sports for many years, a history which has put it at the top of other schools in Bungoma County.