Elizabeth Kisiangani
A joint parliamentary committee on health bringing together the National assembly and the senate held their meeting with the Ministry of health over the new Medical Insurance scheme SHIF.

One of the issues cropped up was the growing number of polygamous marriages in the country who the new law will require to pay more to sustain families in the social health Insurance scheme by Government.
The regulations and the ACT has classified men with two wives as having two households are required to each pay for the deduction of 2.7% on gross pay as Insurance, the lawmakers questioned why the regulations presented before them, ignore the right to a polygamous marriage yet is allowed in the constitution.
The Ministry was also at pain to explain how 25 years old without a source of income will be considered as separate households and manage to raise the 300 shillings monthly.
Registration to the Social Health Insurance Fund will begin in the first week of March and will continue for 90 days, contributions are set to begin on the 1st of July 2024.