Opposition leader Raila Odinga on Thursday took an opportunity to endorse ODM deputy party leaders Wycliffe Oparanya and Hassan Joho, to be in charge of the party as he embark on his African union chairmanship bid, former Mombasa governor Hassan Joho said his aim is to inherit Odinga’s political ideologies.
Odinga’s declaration during an ODM party mobilization in Wajir county could end political wrangles about his possible successor in the party, it has emerged that Odinga’s close ally were split between the endorsing of Oparanya or Joho as the alternative Party leader.
Oparanya has shown his ambition to succeed ODM boss as the party leader if Raila wins the AU elections which are set to be on February 2025,he asked other leaders in the party to offer full support for his ambition.
Western leaders are now pushing to have former governor appointment as the ODM party leader , but Raila has declared the two to run the affairs of the party in his absence Odinga says he is ready to offer advice if need arise.
Odinga has been the party leader of ODM party since the 2005 and is ready to set it’s grassroots elections in April this year