Elizabeth Kisiangani
A humanitarian crisis is emerging in areas grossly affected by floods, as national leadership mulls over solutions to the problem that appears not to be ceding in several counties, seasonal rains amplified by El Nino weather patterns, have devastated the East Africa Nation with floods, waters engulfing villages and threatening to unleash even more.

In the worst incident which killed nearly 50 villagers where a makeshift dam burst in the Rift Valley before dawn of Monday, sending a torrent of waters and mud gushing down a hill and swallowing everything in its path, a tragedy that occured in Kamuchiri Village in Nakuru County was a deadly episode in the Country, since the start of March- May rainy season.
However, while the meteorological department issuing a warning of the possibility of flooding rains especially in the Western and Central areas of the Country, a call is now issued to the residents who live in the Highlands of those areas to take precautions and move to alternative areas.

Speaking to the press in Bungoma, the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Security Raymond Omollo, has questioned that the rains witnessed during this flooding season are much and therefore, it is the responsibility of every citizen to protect themselves from the effects.
It is a message that has been emphasized by the Governor of Bungoma County Kenneth Makelo Lusaka, who have asked residents of Bungoma County to completely move from Highland areas for their safeties.
In recent days, the effects of flooding rains has increased several deaths that have been reported all over the country, that have left the Central Government and County Government with questions which they have to deal with and fight against those issues.

However, the Kenya National Highways Authority KeNHA, has issued a public notice advising motorists and pedestrians to avoid some sections of the roads that have been submerged and eroded by floods.