Faith Misanya
The Kenya pipelineย company is looking to enhance its revenue streams by commercializing it’s fiber optic line which has been partly in use for close to one and a half

Years.The company,which uses fiber optics to monitor the pipeline performance across a network of pipelines stretching for over 1000 kilometres has expressed confidence in tapping into the rural areas and improving connectivity in the country.
At the Nairobi terminal of the Kenya pipeline company where there is a national command centre engineers work day and night remotely controlling operations on a one thousand three hundred and fourty two kilometres pipeline network from Mombasa down to the western part of Eldoret and Kisumu.
In April 2022,Kenya pipeline launched it 96 co-fiber optic cable.KPC. Is looking to grant it’s effort in the market to fully utilize it’s fiber line that runs across the pipeline.
The company is looking to tap into the old refinery facilities and onboard more while marketing for possible vengers in biofuel refinery and liquified nitrogen gas working according to the cabinet approval to fully take over the Kenya petroleum refineries limited.The pipeline company is also looking to onboard oil marketers to fully utilize the storage tanks at KPRA which have a combined capacity of 484 million millilitres.