Happiness has many roots but none is more important than security ,that is according is according to E.R Stettinious.

However, the attack that happened on 15th January 2019, Westgate shopping mall shooting that happened on 21 September 2013 and lastly Garissa University College attack that happened on 2 April 2015 are some of the more other incidents that almost deprived Kenyans of their security.

But again, as it goes by by the saying, security is not something that one can buy , instead it is something done and it therefore requires talented people to do it right .
However, the County Commander of Police in Bungoma County, Mr. Francis Kooli is among the talented people that are required to tackle the security issues in Kenya, while mentioning some of the challenges faced in handling security issues he said that, parents tend to negotiate and solve cases concerning defilement at home .
He also said that, as police officers, they handle various cases which include, defilement, rape, Afrail, robbery, stolen properties and lastly general stealing. While comparing the rise and decrease in the number of the above mentioned cases in different months of the year 2013, he said that it’s an improvement on their side as police officers since all cases mentioned are pending before the court.
Mr. Kooli also said that, as a measure to curb the insecurity cases like robbery, Kenyan citizens are supposed to install security gadgets in their houses including CCTV Cameras, so that they ensure that their properties are always safe. He also called for the members of the public to Always open up and Lias with the police and report the security threats.

Therefore, Kenyan citizens have displayed a mixed reactions concerning general security.
However, the challenges faced by police in criminal justice system in Kenya includes, Persistently high levels of crime and violence, the need to respond to the new forms of criminality, enhancing responses to criminal behaviours that have long pervaded societies including corruption and violence against women and children and lastly violence where police officers are often exposed to crimes.
Just as it goes by the saying, that at the end of the day, the goals are simple, safety and security and therefore, members of the public should always open up and share information with police forces so that insecurity cases can be delt with.