A section of leaders from Western Kenya wants the speaker of the national assembly Moses Wetangula,to break his ford Kenya party for them to join orange democratic party ODM in preparation for the coming 2027 general elections.

The leaders were speaking during the launch of ODM party recruitment at Posta ground Bungoma county, they accused leaders who are in government for failing to fulfill the agreement ,signed with Kenya Kwanza Coalition during campaign period, among those signed was that Western region to gain 30%of development from the national government.
On the other hand the ODM principal Raila Odinga told residents to be able to understand their rights in Kenya Kwanza addiminstration, Odinga says that it’s a must for the people from the region to access affordable healthcare services education, security and freedom of expression.
In the industry sector from the region former Kakamega governor who is also the deputy party leader of ODM Wickliffe Oparanya has accused leaders for remaining silent as the sugar cane farmers continue to struggle on how to sell their farm produce, as government continue to give them promises on how they will revive the collapsed industries
Bumula member of Parliament Jack Wamboka has said that as DAP Kenya they are still in Azimio la Umoja coalition urging local leaders to support the coalition.