Purity Nelima |
Kamugut family from Uasin Gishu county on Wednesday morning a group of youths are seen armed with weapons bringing down the building .The crowd was brought by kapsaret leader Oscar Sudi to see the demolition on this expensive 20 acre piece of land that has been in Contention between five families.

In this video having been taken two days ago at Kamagut area an identified woman was seen talking to the president William Ruto who then summons the Kapsaret mp .The woman in question now reveals that she sort help from head if state to reposes the 20 acre piece that was grabbed from her and two other families
However a magistrate in Eldoret delivered a ruling on 2 nd September 2022 declaring Paul Kirwa and two others as benefit owners of the land .In an appeal in the high court in Eldoret it made an order in favour of kirwa in January 2023 .kirwa was helpless as his building was being demolished
Mp sudi in his defense joined onslaught against judicial insisting Kirwa is not the land owner
For now. Kirwa who is the owner has been rendered home less as he waits to see how the incident will be taken and if govt will shield him from reigning impurity