The revelation by the public service commission ,the civil employer confirms reports by the control of the budget.

On a mismatch in the country’s expenditure where 70% of budgetary allocations to both national and county governments is spent on recurrent expenditure paying salaries with a mega 30% or less spent on development. A report by the PSC which tracks the performance of the public sector revealing that in the 2022/2023 financial year,
-19467 unauthorised staff were added to the government payroll against the recommended staff establishment to ministries and departments.
-Ministries and departments accounting for the highest number at 12535
– six organizations had disparities with an excess of over 100 staff compared to what was in the staff register. This include:
state house- 483
new kenya cooperative creameries -492
15 organizations had excess staff with a commission listing five that had over 50% additional staff over and above their recommended staffing levels.
Kenya medical supplies authority- 115%
National water harvesting and storage authority-72%
state department for devolution- 61%
state department for higher education and research- 69%
state department for immigration and citizen services -59%
four organizations listed as having defied the commissions recommendations in the previous financial year regarding excess staff levels . These are
-the state department for transport, the state department for higher education loan
– and the state department for devolution.
the excess staff establishment resulted in under utilization of staff bloated wage bill and strained work[place facilities
only 21 organisations out of 523 had developed a comprehensive human resource management and development plans which informs recruitment and training
The commission has since recommended that all psc organisations develop human resource management and development plans by 30th june 2024.