The effect on the delivery of health care occasioned by the doctors strike is set to become even worse after Private Hospitals Association in the country announced that they will stop offering services to NHIF beneficiaries citing non payment by the NHIF, the Kenya Association of Private Hospitals has issued a 7 days notice to NHIF to release funds owed to member hospitals or have NHIF members denied health services.

The effect of the delayed payments of NHIF funds to private hospitals is already affecting Kenyans who are in need of health care.
The notice is similar to another one issued by Rural Private Hospitals Association of Kenya(RUPHA) and which lapses on sunday demanding the payment of shillings owed to its members, the association says NHIF has failed to remit payments for services offered to Linda mama beneficiaries in rural areas. The two associations saying debt has made it difficult for health facilities to meet overhead costs leading to the laying off of staff and closure of some facilities
The delay seem likely to continue for the foreseeable future as health cabinet secretary Susan Nakhumicha says the ministry is cash trapped and blames the shortage of funds on delayed remittances, she also denied allegations that NHIF funds had been diverted to other institutions.