Elizabeth Kisiangani
The Identification of the needy is done by the community through public participation so that only the needy benefits. The scramble for scholarships and bursaries by needy but bright students, is on all time high as the form 1 admissions still going on.
Therefore,the Ministry of Education has been conducting a countywide selection process for the Elimu scholarships which sees more vulnerable students who sat for 2023 KCPE Exams get Secondary Education.
At Eldoret Union Primary School, we meet Virginia Kathure who was among the top scorers in 2023 KCPE results at this public school,she was admitted to Loreto Matunda Secondary School but she is yet to join to school due to luck of funds,she therefore re-admits herself back to Primary school.
Virginia Kathure is an orphan and her teachers were quick to apply for bursaries for her from both Government and Private sector. Therefore,she scored 369 marks but she did not get any bursaries yet she presented all the required documentation for bursaries including her mother’s Death Certificate.
The Government released 1.5 billion shillings money that to be used for Affirmative Action Groups and Bursaries for needy children. So the question is,which criteria is being used in disbursing bursaries if an orphan like Virginia Kathure has missed out on both Government and Private sector bursaries opportunities.